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+61 418 724 829Why Us
We provide a service specialising in Custom Molded hearing protection that is cost effective, and Environmentally sustainable.
Hear Protech(TM) will come to your workplace providing minimal interruption and downtime in the workplace.
Insta Mold (R) Custom made earplugs is a Medical Grade Silicon, and have an SLC80 rating 28, and have been approved to AS/NZS 1270-2002 Acoustics up to 40.5 dB.
Custom-made is as unique as your ear, the perfect fit creates maximum protection for your ears and your hearing.
Custom comfort, you'll forget you are wearing them. Able to be comfortably worn all day, and even while you sleep.
Insta-Mold®™ earplugs are made from the highest grade premium medical grade silicone that reduces high level frequencies whilst still allowing you hear speech without the need of acoustic filters.
With and SLC 80 rating 28, these Class 5 custom made earplugs will reduce up to 40.5 dB, and have been tested AS/NZS1270 approved. Hard wearing, with an average lifespan between 2-5 years plus, yet still soft and pliable providing you with the ultimate in comfort.
We offer a truly personalised service by coming out to your workplace to provide personalise fittings, each fitting takes less than 15-minutes.
Contact us today, we'll come to your workplace and have the whole team fitted with the best in hearing protection that is environmentally sustainable, and cost effective..
What We Do
Workers continuously exposed to noise levels will suffer hearing loss and it's your responsibility to protect their hearing. If a raised voice is needed to communicate to someone 1-metre away, you need to be taking action to protect the hearing of your workers with Class 5, up to 40.5 db noise reduction. At Hear ProTechtm we will come to your workplace to provide the very best in bespoke custom made hearing protection to your employees.
Hear Protech(TM) uses Insta-Mold(R) medical grade silicon which is cost saving for companies, and environmentally sustainable.
They meet Australian Standard AS/NZS 1270:2002 – Class 1 to 5. SLC80 rating 28, and reduce up to 450.4 db
Protect your hearing whilst participating in your favourite sport, custom earplugs are ideal for sports with sudden impact noise such as shooting and are ideal for swimming to protect against swimmers ear, and those with grommets. We work with you to select the right protection for your sport.
We can come to your venue and arrange custom made Class 5 hearing protection for your team or club.
Whether you race motorbikes, cruise the open road, or like your music live and loud, there are two reasons you should protect your hearing; Firstly once you lose your hearing you can't get it back. Secondly using custom-made hearing protection improves the experience by eliminating damaging environmental noise. Learn more about our range of custom-made earplugs and accessories, including i pairing with mobile phones, bluetooth intercoms, two-way radios plus more.
Heat Cured Lab-Flex Earplugs
What is a LabFlex ? It is a custom earmold that is made in a lab via an impression of the ear. The impression is sent to a lab where a cast or 3D imprint of the impression is made to produce a finished product using a heat cured silicone.
The Lab-Flex range can be fitted with in ear monitors giving the very best in clarity and sound. Our Lab-Flex range is made using the finest Biopor Soft Silicone and is available in three densities;
Heat Cured Lab-Flex Earplugs
Electronic earplugs are designed to enhance the sounds around you like speech and game movements, but contain the sharper impulse sounds down to a designated safe level such as gunfire and flash bangs.
Used within the shooting sports, law enforcement divisions and motorbike community, these devices are excellent in protection and enhancement qualities. We offer a variety of custom models to aid you in further enjoyment of your target shooting, hunting experience, safety requirements, and radio communications.
Connect with our team for full enquirries