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+61 418 724 829About Us
Based in the Barossa Valley Hear ProTechTM is in easy reach of your work place and airport, and will travel to your work place to provide Class 5 custom made hearing protection at your work place, saving employee down time and helping to maintain maximum productivity and efficiency.
Hear ProTechTM is a local South Australian business providing quality Custom made Class 5 personal, industrial and sports hearing protection.
Hear ProTechTM uses EarMold (R) / InstaMold (R) medical grade silicon to produce comfortable long lasting Class 5 hearing protection which meets the highest of Australian industry standards. We make on the spot and will come to your work place.
What We Do
Workers continuously exposed to noise levels >85dBA will suffer hearing loss and it's your responsibility to protect their hearing. If a raised voice is needed to communicate to someone 1-metre away, you need to be taking action to protect the hearing of your workers with Class 5,up to 40.5 db noise reduction At Hear ProTechTM we work with you to select the right protection for your environment, offering a wide selection of protection options and accessories the meet Australian Standard AS/NZS 1270:2002 – Class 1 to 5.
Protect your hearing whilst participating in your favourite sport, custom earplugs are ideal for sports with sudden impact noise such as shooting and are ideal for swimmer to protect against swimmers ear. We work with you to select the right protection for your sport, with a wide range of accessories. We can come to your venue and arrange custom made Class 5 hearing protection for your team or club.
Whether you race motorbikes, cruise the open road, or like your music live and loud, there are two reasons you should protect your hearing; Firstly once you lose your hearing you can't get it back. Secondly using custom-made hearing protection improves the experience by eliminating damaging environmental noise. Learn more about our range of custom-made earplugs and accessories, including that enable pairing with mobile phones, bluetooth intercoms, two-way radios plus more.
Logistics operates under country-specific freight forward industry terms. We are members of Logistics and Freight Association. Logistics can also offer specific insurance cover on request.
The obligatory communication fee includes the basic entries in the online exhibitor directory and in the visit planner (see basic entries) as well as entry options in the online sections press and exhibitor event calendars.
Possibly the most important part of your logistics partnership is having confidence that your provider has a firm grasp on your business requirements.
Beyond all the service details and industry experience, you also want a supplier who does business in a way that aligns with your own company's culture.