Fitting Custom Molded Hearing Protection throughout SA

OH&S / Cost

Industrial OH&S /

Man walking past a forklift

Save Time & Money​

Our industrial earplugs can save your company hundred of dollars per employee each year without

compromising quality or safety. Talk to us today for a cost comparison.

Long Life custom hearing protection are also Environmentally Sustainable, no more disposed plugs

littering the workplace and surrounds.

Fulfill Workplace OHS Requirements​

Using our InstaMold(R) custom ear plug , we can help ensure that you are meeting correct OHS

requirements in your business. Our product is also extremely comfortable and effective, which translates

to employees in the workplace are using a personalised piece of safety equipment .

Fit testing is accurately and easily done using testing booths

Minimise Workcover Claims​

Industrial deafness claims are detrimental to all parties concerned. By using good quality products that

employees are willing to use , and are comfortable to wear, you can help minimise the risk in your

workplace. Talk to us today for more information on how our products help mitigate these risks.

# of Employees


Daily Cost Disposable Plugs


Yearly Cost Disposable Plugs


2 Years Cost of Foam Plugs


Total Cost of our Insta-Mold's


Savings 1st Year Insta-Mold's


Savings 2 Years


# of Employees


Daily Cost Disposable Plugs


Yearly Cost Disposable Plugs


2 Years Cost of Foam Plugs


Total Cost of our Insta-Mold's


Savings 1st Year Insta-Mold's


Savings 2 Years


# of Employees


Daily Cost Disposable Plugs


Yearly Cost Disposable Plugs


2 Years Cost of Foam Plugs


Total Cost of our Insta-Mold's


Savings 1st Year Insta-Mold's


Savings 2 Years


# of Employees


Daily Cost Disposable Plugs


Yearly Cost Disposable Plugs


2 Years Cost of Foam Plugs


Total Cost of our Insta-Mold's


Savings 1st Year Insta-Mold's


Savings 2 Years


# of Employees


Daily Cost Disposable Plugs


Yearly Cost Disposable Plugs


2 Years Cost of Foam Plugs


Total Cost of our Insta-Mold's


Savings 1st Year Insta-Mold's


Savings 2 Years
